Haldan Consulting
Haldan News and Updates
Company news, updates about our Products and Services, support alerts, special offers, other announcements and interesting articles.
Training and Events
Training courses offered by Haldan Consulting including Lean Six Sigma, webinars, virtual events, workshops and other events.
Haldan Consulting Customer Correspondence
Clients of Haldan Consulting, for important Products and Services announcements.
Haldan Recruitment
Haldan Recruitment - Jobs, vacancies and helpful tips for employment
Supply Chain Management
Optimization of supply chain processes - AutoEDI software
Promotions and Special Deals
Discounts and Promotions on Systems2win software
Lean Systems and Standardised Methodologies
Stay up to date with the latest Systems2win News, as well as other helpful resources about lean methodologies and standardized systems for continuous process improvement.
Lean Training
Training for Systems2win tools and templates, and continuous improvement methodologies
30 Day Free Trial
Information about the free trial of Systems2win tools and templates, including quick-start guides, free training resources and support communications.
Systems2win Customer Communications
Important information and product updates and special offers for Customers using Systems2win software.